martes, 7 de julio de 2020

The curricular modality Emmi Pikler

The Emmi Pikler curricular modality of "Early Care", it look for provide an experience of life where it is sheltered the development of the childrens and prevent the emotional scarcity, wich could be present due to the fact that live in an intitution in the ausence of the parents.

The Early Care, is about pay attention opportunely a the basic needs physical, psychological and emotional of the children's, needs which are satisfied through an adult who respectfully and kindly looks after the boy or girl.

The reality in the context of protection of children in our country is not the ideal, nor what we would liked, especially the public system for example in SENAME, the guidelines for work do not respond to basic needs or affective deficiencies that children living in this situation may have to the contrary usually we see in tghe news or we lisent to testimons where is it evident  the violence and mistreatments.

There are ways of working with which these places can become a place of reconstruction and protection for them, responding to their physical but also emotional and psychological needs.

I would like to be able to make a change in this area since it is very abandoned, and Early Care works there are homes that apply it, now you just have to make this reach all children, not just those luckiest to get to a good home.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Kary, I did not know that this curricular modality existed to work with the children. It seems very important to me because I believe that is fundamental (not only for the life of the children, also for the society) that the children develop in a good shape. I hope can change the situation with the SENAME :c. Regards :)

  2. It seems to me a very interesting modality, which has great importance in a subject as relevant as the protection of children. I would like to know more about the subject and hopefully there will be a better plan for the protection of minors in Chile, considering how disastrous the name is as an institution.


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